We are excited to be a local affiliate real estate

Now it's our turn to give back! Homes For Heroes assists our local military, law enforcement, firefighters, EMS, teachers, and healthcare workers in buying and selling their dream homes.

Giving Back
Most heroes save at least $2,400 when they buy or sell a home with us. When you add up savings from real estate agents, loan officers, title companies, home inspectors and other every day deals, the savings is way beyond what you’ll get from other national programs.
I am surrounded by heroes in my family, my sphere of influence, and in my day-to-day encounters. My heroes are the ones taking care of the sick, teaching the unteachable, protecting us even when we do not see it, & risking their lives to save someone else! Sometimes "thank you" just isn't enough & I wanted to do more. After much thought & prayer, I decided to become an affiliate with Homes for Heroes so that I can help make the real estate process a little smoother & maximize our heroes' savings.
- Leslie Mealem, Homes For Heroes Affiliate Real Estate Partner
©2021 Homes for Heroes®. All rights reserved. Homes for Heroes, Inc. is a licensed real estate company in the state of Minnesota. *Hero Rewards not available in all states. Hero Rewards offers are limited and/or restricted in Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. All savings amounts are estimates. The actual Hero Rewards amount may vary based on the services used, sale price of the home (less appropriate credits), and in special circumstances, including, but not limited to, new construction, below average commission, and For Sale By Owner sales. You must be enrolled with Homes for Heroes and be represented at closing by a Homes for Heroes real estate specialist to be eligible for home price savings. You must work with a Homes for Heroes mortgage specialist and business affiliates to be eligible to receive additional service-related savings. Contact Homes for Heroes for further details

Want to see how much you can get back?


Leslie Mealem

+1(806) 790-5909




